CONsultation Services

Dr. Halbert loves getting out of the office for coffee if you are local, or is happy to setup an online consultation. He will take a history and minimal physical examination as required, but obviously hands-on treatments would not be performed in a coffee shop or online. These consultations are meant to be one off or infrequent meetings to serve in a more general diagnosis and condition management capacity. The focus is less on my treatments, and more on patient education and proper healthcare team building. You can see some example videos of topics we might go over.

We also offer presentations for groups regarding general health and wellness in the most of the categories listed below if you feel your company or team would benefit from this information.

Management topics we generally cover include some or all of the following:

Home & work modifications

There may be repetitive motions you make or positions you work in every day, maybe even without thinking about it, that can aggravate your condition or prevent you from getting better quickly. Dr. Halbert will make sure you know what to avoid as well as what you can do to help get better faster, whether it's changing which hand you do certain chores with, the way you sit at your desk or lay in bed, or how your computer screen is best positioned to avoid holding your neck in a way that hurts you.


We may not spend a lot of time thinking about it, but nearly everyone has trouble doing these two things properly. Dr. Halbert can work with you to make sure you understand not only how do them, but also why you should bother. These seemingly simple things can help make long term changes in your health and your pain levels. They may even help improve your current condition faster than otherwise possible.

home & gym exercises

Most injuries involve or affect the muscles and ligaments of your body in addition to the nearby joints. Exercises can help your body heal faster, plus they can be important for preventing flare-ups of your current condition and even reducing the likelihood of future injuries in general. While Dr. Halbert is trained in various exercises and equipment available at your local gym, he can also show you how you can still make an important difference at home regardless of your access to equipment, individual skill level, or physical prowess.


Believe it or not, what you eat really can make a huge difference in your health. There are changes you can make that will improve your health generally, but also that can specifically help your body do its job in healing your current ailment more quickly. Even if you're not ready to make a major overhaul, Dr. Halbert can provide simple recommendations for 1 or 2 supplements that may make a big difference.

CHRONIC SYmptoms with unknown causes

Dr. Halbert is becoming more and more knowledgeable in some of the various often difficult and debilitating conditions that still seem to fall through the cracks of traditional healthcare, like Lyme Disease and other chronic infections, fibromyalgia, mold and other environmental toxins, and various other auto-immune or connective tissue disorders. By the end of the visit, he will likely have some good working diagnoses, general recommendations, as well as specific referrals to connect with the appropriate experts to finally get the help you need and address the causes. The road can be long on these conditions, we can make sure you’re heading in the right direction. Read more about it here.