
You may suffer because of an automobile accident, an old sports injury, chronic pain, neck pain, low back pain, pinched nerves, arm or leg pain, headaches, a painful pregnancy, or an on the job injury. Maybe you have a chronic pain condition like Lyme disease or fibromyalgia. Or, perhaps your body just doesn't work as well as it should under the stress of everyday life.

Come in today so Dr. Halbert can talk with you about your condition, perform an examination, and answer all of your questions. Then together, with our in-office care and what we can teach you to do for yourself at home, we can help you manage or resolve your condition so you can focus on the important things in life. We are dedicated to your health. If we can't help you, we will do our best to get you the help that you do need.


Your first visit will be the longest at about an hour and include the following:

  • We will perform a complete history, asking questions about your condition as well as some peripheral questions that may be relevant in your case.

  • We will perform a complete examination to help determine the likely cause of your ailment and the best treatment methods.

  • An x-ray examination or other imaging may be ordered if Dr. Halbert feels it is warranted for further investigation of your condition.

  • We will review with you the relevant findings then discuss your diagnosis and our proposed treatment, while making sure you understand your options and have all your questions answered.

  • Only after your full understanding and approval, we will provide treatment targeted to your specific condition or refer you for more appropriate care. Common treatments are described in more depth in the linked In Office and Consult pages.